Getting EU Residence Permit through individual entrepreneur status


The procedure for obtaining the status of an individual entrepreneur for citizens of third countries has become more complicated in connection with the amendments to the law on income tax CXXVII. from 2007. Since July 14, 2020 businessmen have the obligation to register invoices and recites in the Hungarian tax system.

Now individual businesses registered in Hungary have to use an online invoicing system to manage bookkeeping. Accounting programs are available in Hungarian and English, there is a large selection of commercial and free programs, which makes a chose little bit confusing. Even a native speaker will not be able to understand the logic of Hungarian programmers at once. To maintain your business, you will need to learn the instructions for filling up electronic invoices, depending on the tax system and create templates for items and clients.

As more and more translators and immigration lawyers are offering different prices for obtaining a residence permit for an individual entrepreneur, it would be helpful to understand the process of getting a new permit and knowing all the steps on your way to self-employment. In the process of registering client’s personal data in several systems, your assistant lawyer can lose some letters and use different transcription for different systems. Such errors can block completely the access to the tax system and online accounting. If lawyers provide the service of obtaining a residence permit and opening an individual entrepreneur status only partially, the client will later encounter difficulties while having to pay extra money for the interpreter’s services in order to find a way out of the bureaucratic labyrinth. From the administrative center you will be sent to the local tax department and there you will be told that you need to contact the migration police for clearance. Government officials might not always understand the specifics of working with foreigners and non-EU citizens.

You can save your neurons and money by contacting Resident Help and choosing a package for obtaining a residence permit through registration of the status of an individual entrepreneur with full professional support. The registration of new residence permit will take from one and a half to two months and will be including several stages:

  • selection of business codes and services which do not require licenses and diplomas
  • registration in the state system of governmental services and personal account setting
  • obtaining legal address
  • obtaining state insurance (TAJ card)
  • consulting on working with the simplified taxation system (KATA)
  • explanation of the limitations of working with regular customers
  • clearing the rules for exemption from VAT for individual entrepreneurs
  • rules for the termination and suspension of individual entrepreneurship and tax deduction procedure
  • assistance in choosing an accountant
  • recommendations for choosing an online accounting program
  • obtaining a tax number for individual entrepreneurs
  • connecting personal account with the accounting program and tax system opening a corporate bank account
  • preparation of preliminary contracts with customers and partners in Hungarian for the Immigration Office and Tax Services
  • collecting and uploading documents for submitting Application in the Immigration
  • filling out applications through the Enter Hungary system
  • getting appointments online
  • support in the office of National Directorate General for Aliens Policing
  • translator signature certification of documents for personal application
  • leading the case of changing the status (answering to the requests of the migration service)
  • representation of the client's interests with power of attorney in administrative offices (filing applications and petitions)

Book the Resident Help professional services for replacement of residence permit or submitting your first application and you will get free consultation on preparation of tax reports for further submission of the Permanent Residency.

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