On December 12, 2023, the Hungarian Parliament adopted amendments to the Law on General Rules for the Entry and Residence of Third-Country Nationals from 2007. The new law is limiting the rights of non-EU citizens who wish to come to the country for...
Many citizens, who previously lived on the territory of Ukraine and Russia found themselves in forced emigration in 2022, and had to make a decision to move, based on the principle of accessibility of a particular country. The main questions that peo...
In January 2022, the Hungarian National Immigration Office for aliens policing, having learnt the lessons of the pandemic, presented a new type of residence permit for online businesses. To keep up with the COVID realities the newly named “White card...
Getting a temporary residency in Hungary (residence permit) is quite simple. There are many types of resident status and ways to obtain a long-term visa. You can move to live in Hungary permanently in case you can prove your sustainability and justif...